Jiak Gan Tang Pouch
äóÖJiakäó» is äóÖto eatäó», while äóÖgan tangäó» refers to potatoes. This phrase aptly describes Singaporeans who are more comfortable with Western culture than Asian culture, thus their preference for potatoes over rice. Contrast with äóÖCheenaäó». For the angmoh (Westernised) Singaporean.
Exclusive collaboration between Independent Market and The Little Drí_m Store.
24cm (W) x 18cm (H)
Made in Singapore.
Jiak Gan Tang Pouch
Jiak Gan Tang Pouch
äóÖJiakäó» is äóÖto eatäó», while äóÖgan tangäó» refers to potatoes. This phrase aptly describes Singaporeans who are more comfortable with Western culture than Asian culture, thus their preference for potatoes over rice. Contrast with äóÖCheenaäó». For the angmoh (Westernised) Singaporean.
Exclusive collaboration between Independent Market and The Little Drí_m Store.
24cm (W) x 18cm (H)
Made in Singapore.