Bo Zeng Hu Notebook
'Bo' (í«_íëíîíë_) means äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçnoäóÁ—çí_Œé or äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçdid not, and äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçzeng huäóÁ—çí_Œé means äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçgovernmentäóÁ—çí_Œé. Often used in light-hearted situations to refer to someone who operates lawlessly, with äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçgovernmentäóÁ—çí_Œé representing authority, law and order. For the rebel Singaporean.
11.5cm (W) by 17cm (H)
64 pages, blank on the inside.
Bo Zeng Hu Notebook
Bo Zeng Hu Notebook
'Bo' (í«_íëíîíë_) means äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçnoäóÁ—çí_Œé or äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçdid not, and äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçzeng huäóÁ—çí_Œé means äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçgovernmentäóÁ—çí_Œé. Often used in light-hearted situations to refer to someone who operates lawlessly, with äóÁ—çíëí�íëíçgovernmentäóÁ—çí_Œé representing authority, law and order. For the rebel Singaporean.
11.5cm (W) by 17cm (H)
64 pages, blank on the inside.